
Better Composition

Composition options beyond the Rule of Thirds. Excellent range of advice from Mads. One interesting thought re ‘not always including the whole object (mid way through the video) – leaves room for mystery and imagination.

General Advice

Composition.  With a great range of examples, Alex simplifies composition and talks so much sense
Tips for Clarity and Impact

Using Contrast

People talk about how bright highlights grab the viewers eye – but in this video Charlotte illustrates how any high contrast area in an image does that as well and how it can be used to focus attention on the subject.


composition this week – it is the foundation of any good image – there are plenty of so called rules that can be confusing – so in this video Nigel Danson suggests and illustrates 4 basic principles that we can apply to any image.
The ONLY 4 RULES of COMPOSITION that you need to know