Here’s how to prepare your images and enter them into our Projected Digital Image competitions. This applies both to our monthly scored competitions and also the trophy competitions. We also use this method when collecting entries for external competitions but then the guidelines may vary slightly and more details are given at the time.
To enter, you must upload your pictures to by midnight on the Sunday before the Tuesday of the competition.
Your pictures should be:
- jpegs (jpgs)
- Not more than 1920 wide by 1080 high
- No more than 2Mb for the file size.
- Using the sRGB colour space
Popular picture-editing software such as Adobe’s Lightroom or Photos on Macs or Windows then you can set the ‘save’ or ‘export’ dimensions to suit. You can control the file size by tweaking the image compression or quality. You can also use our file size calculator for a more precise result.
First Time?
If it is your first time entering, you’ll need the club’s six-digit code for You should receive this when you join but if not then please ask. You do not need any other competiton numbers but you will need a title for each picture. When you enter the title, that is what will appear on the screen in front of the judge, no-one will alter it or correct it so watch out for typos, capitalisation and spelling mistakes. If you really can’t think of one, you can call them ‘Untitled 1’ and so on, but that will get a bit dull.