Monthly Competition Rules

The following rules apply to all Monthly Competitions, whether Open or Set Subject, digital or print:

  • Members must be up-to-date with annual and weekly subscriptions, no more than one month in arrears.
  • Members may submit a maximum of three images to each competition.
  • The club member submitting the entry must be the author of the image.
  • When post-processing is used, 100% of the image must have been originally created by the author – generative AI cannot be used to add elements taken from an image that belongs to someone else (however the blending of two or more photos taken by the same club member is of course acceptable).
  • Other than the AI rule above, images may be manipulated in any way in post-processing.
  • Images may be colour or monochrome, using any filters and effects, subject to occasional specific requirements for a Set Subject.
  • Images do not need to be recent – they may have been taken years ago.
  • Images cannot be entered twice in the same year in a Monthly Competition.
  • Images may be entered both in a Monthly Competition and a Trophy Competition, provided that,
    • they have not already scored twenty points in a Monthly Competition;
    • they have not been placed (First, Second, Third, Highly Commended, Commended) in a Trophy Competition.
  • Each image will be awarded points from a maximum of twenty. In the event of any dispute or objection then the decision of the Committee shall be final.
  • Images may be entered again in subsequent years provided that noticeable alterations have been made since they were first entered. In the event of an objection being raised over the re-entry of a print, authors may be required to submit the original print to the Committee for comparison.